Asthma Care / Supervised Project in Product Design 2011


Asthma Care Spirometer and Asthma Care App provide measure, assess, track altogether in one service. Connect the Siprometer to patient’s iphone and start up the app. Measuring the PFM, the results are displayed immediately. Each measurement is automatically saved in charts, so patients can easily track their progress. Patients can send their report directly to their doctor. This way, the doctor has easy access to precise accurate data leading to more effective care. This is a third-year design project made by Szu-Yang Cho.

COMMENTS by drhhtang: This Interaction design is completed with many details. Hight quality layout and clear functionality.


2011 運用前瞻網路通訊技術的介面互動設計案

 Apps Design Project Using Advanced ICT 運用前瞻網路通訊技術的介面互動設計案,是從2010年進行到2011年的國科會計畫。本計畫以應用程式(apps)為主,在手機與觸控平板電腦的架構下,進行介面與互動設計。三項應用程式設計分別針對三類族群,滿足他們的核心需求,分別是想要健康地控制熱量的年輕女性、有視覺化溝通需求的自閉症兒童、及有安全警示需求的聽障者。三項設計均基於實際的使用者調查,確實地了解年輕女性減重的辛苦、及自閉症兒童與聽障者的困難,設計概念細節也經過目標使用者的評估與確認。基於目前市面上台灣所製造的資訊產品,包含7吋平板電腦、10吋平板電腦、及智慧型手機,包含前瞻的資訊處理技術及滿足使用者核心需求的設計特點。三項設計案的介面與流程均已移植到所屬的資訊產品中,畫面呈現與互動流程均可實際操作。
